Beginners Guide to Choosing Crystals

So you may have collected them as a child, have a friend that has some or for some reason you are attracted to them or maybe you have been gifted them.

Crystals seem to come into our lives for many reasons but most believe it is because we need them

So you may already own crystals but have never actually chosen some for yourself or find that you are for some reason attracted to them, but how do you choose one when there are literally hundreds of them?

Well the easiest way i find is to actually look at them all, so maybe visit your local crystal shop, however if you do not have one nearby or just prefer to buy online then the same advice applies

So have a good look at them all without reading any descriptions you see, you will notice that you are attracted to one in particular or you keep going back to a certain one, when you have that crystal then read the description and you will probably be surprised to see that the one you are usually attracted to is the one you need or is most relevant to your life.

This principal also works if you are choosing a crystal for someone else , just concentrate on that person whilst looking at the crystals.

There are many Crystals types and forms to choose from as well, so do you prefer the look of a raw or tumbled piece? maybe you like a certain shape such as a sphere, pyramid, point or obelisk?

Each shape can also have a certain meaning as well as the type of crystal chosen so you can research that further

Some people say crystals are magical and who knows maybe they are

I would personally use the theory of the fact crystals and minerals are found in the earth, everything on and in the earth has an energy force and crystals in particular have their own energy forces, some are magnetic, some can purify water, some are poisonous and we use quartz in watches to help keep time

I would never claim they could cure any illnesses although people seem to find crystals helpful and are used in conjunction with alternative therapies so if you think they are magical …they may well be

So essentially there is not much to choosing crystals just trust your own feeling and enjoy, i wan you they can be quite addictive but extremely interesting